Call for Sponsors
OSFest is a free virtual community celebration - unaffiliated with any particular virtual world grid's community of users. It only exists for a short time, with all content destroyed then created anew each year.
About the Festival
OSFest is an all-volunteer, community effort with a limited number of free virtual land parcels for exhibitors and merchants. Per the terms, exhibits are welcome from community members and merchants of any virtual world grid running OpenSimulator or derivative software agreeing to the Terms of Service. To honor the spirit of the Fest, competing technologies will not be allowed in virtual exhibits and stores.
The online venue for OSFest 2024 is hosted by Infinite Metaverse Alliance® (IMA) and sponsored by Laxton Consulting, LLC, which is part owner of IMA. IMA is a for-profit company that provides research, development, and philanthropy for virtual world technology communities. Laxton Consulting, LLC is a for-profit company specializing in modeling, simulation, analysis, and education.
The live events take place over 17 days, and include live performances plus tours of exhibits and stores. The online venues typically encompass over four square kilometers of virtual land full of creative community exhibits and merchant stores, as well as donated and sponsored content.
About the Avatars
In 2020, OpenSim Fest had 600 attendees from all around the Hypergrid, and was canceled in 2021. At OSFest 2022, records were broken with 800 unique visitors alone from 158 grids. At OSFest 2023, over 500 unique visitors were seen during the first week!
Renewing the tradition thanks to sponsors, attendance is 100% free, and the grid will be accessible via the Hypergrid. While content should be similar to a moderate PG rating in public venues, all attendees must be 18 years of age or older since the grid is comprised of user-generated content that may at times be unmoderated.
About the Volunteers
OSFest involves a team volunteering around 1000 hours in the roles of greeters and leaders as well as hosts/hostesses and performers for live events.
An additional estimated 1000 hours are donated by volunteer directors and the IMA administrator team.
Check-in with the Volunteer Director or Events Director on our Discord Server if you would like to volunteer!
Infinite Metaverse Alliance® is a registered U.S. Trademark.
OSFest 2024
Production Costs
Funds are needed for unaffiliated dedicated hosting of website, live events, open source software running grid and regions, associated databases and files, web UX, and other services. Costs rise each year unfortunately. Our projected costs are TBD.
Sponsor Levels
Sponsor funds are not tax-deductible but have tangible marketing value for sponsors. They also provide social impact return on investments within the community because sponsors are subsidizing free parcels.
Marketing Value for all Sponsors
Virtual Land at OSFest
Virtual Free Standing Inserts (FSI)
Social Media promotion
Ad space on
Distribution of your content swag
Rhodium (Rh) - $100 USD
(4 available, 20928 Prim Budget Each)
Private Island Region
Virtual Land 65536 sqm (256x256m) or VAR (up to 1280x1280m)
In-World Ad: Large Wide FSI
Web Ad: Large Wide Web Ad
Iridium (Ir) - $50 USD
(8 available, 10368 Prim Budget Each)
Virtual Land 29760 sqm (248x120m)
In-World Ad: Large FSI
Web Ad: Large Web Ad
Palladium (Pd) - $24 USD
(4 available, 5136 Prim Budget Each)
Virtual Land 14400 sqm (120x120m)
In-World Ad: Medium FSI
Web Ad: Medium Web Ad
Platinum (Pt) - $12 USD
(4 available, 2544 Prim Budget Each)
Virtual Land 7200 sqm (120x60m)
In-World Ad: Small FSI
Web Ad: Small Web Ad
Osmium (Os) - $6 USD or equivalent Gloebits
(4 available, 1260 Prim Budget Each)
Virtual Land 3600 sqm (60x60m)
In-World Ad: Group FSI
Web Ad: Group Web Ad
Ruthenium (Ru) - $3 USD or equivalent Gloebits
(38 available, 600 Prim Budget Each)
Virtual Land 1680 sqm (60x28m)
In-World Ad: Banner
Web Ad: Web Ad
Indium (In) - Any Amount in USD or equivalent Gloebits if less than $6 USD
Unlimited Available
In-World Ad: Donor List
Web Ad: Donor List
Any excess sponsor funds greater than production costs will be used for performer stipends, distributed evenly per shift because performers are signing up for tips only and may perform more than once.
If you are interested in sponsoring at any level, please complete and submit the Sponsor Signup form or contact Shelenn Ayres on the OSFest Discord server for more details.
OSFest Sponsor Links
Rhodium (Rh)
Beyond Zen Life
Infinite Metaverse Alliance LLC
Laxton Consulting, LLC
Virtual Outworlding
Virtual Vignette
Iridium (Ir)
Bridgemere Grid
Caribou Grid
Michael McHugh
Nynja Custom Scripts
Palladium (Pd)
HG Safari
Ibor Estates
Rosa Alekseev
Utopia Skye Grid
Platinum (Pt)
Ada Radius
Avacon Inc
International Space Museum
Osmium (Os)
Sally S. Cherry, MLS(ASCP)
Virtual Laboratory Training and Career Center (VLTCC)
VBH Events
Indium (In)
Hairy Thor
Lisa Laxton
Marion DeGhetto
Thirza Ember
Ada Radius
Lyr Lobo
Selby Evans
Sponsor Level images courtesy of Albedo-ukr, CC BY-SA 2.5 <>, via Wikimedia Commons