Volunteers make it happen at this Hypergrid family reunion every year!

Signup to be a volunteer at OSFest!
Shifts are one hour long so that everyone has time to enjoy events. Each day has shifts to be a Greeter, Event Leader, Host/Hostess, or Performer! Other ways to help out include scripting, building, creating freebies, spreading the word on social media, doing hypergrid outreach, organizing satellite events, being a videographer or photographer, sponsoring others, or providing tech support.
When signing up there is no need to offer any information to directors and administrators other than your Full Avatar name you will use at OSFest so we can add you to respective groups. All team communications happen between avatars in Discord or at the OSFest Grid.
Performers/Hosts/Hostesses please check-in on Discord with the Performance Director!
Event Leaders please check-in on Discord with the Events Director!
Greeters please check-in on Discord with the Volunteer Director!
Sponsors, Exhibitors, and Merchants please check-in on Discord with the Marketing Director, Exhibitor Director, or Merchant Director!
We will do our best to get back to you depending upon time zones. Need help and can't wait? Use the community-forum on the OSFest Discord Server to get community help!