Time sure flies when you're having fun! It's time to begin working on OpenSim Fest 2022! Last year's festivities were amazing. The level of creativity, the entertainment and the shopping were extraordinary! We're grateful to Bill Blight for all the work that he did on the server and so much more as well as to Leighton Marjoram for all they did for just about everything else. To all the volunteers you did amazing and we're counting on you again for 2022!
"It takes a village", which is I think a perfect statement for the creation of OpenSim fest every year. This festival slightly resembles the "Burning Man" festivities that get put up and torn down each year. In this way, each festival is new, reborn, and thriving.
For the upcoming year, we've already seen marked changes in the administration of the Festival being passed to Muse (Calliope Andel) and Mike Chase, as well as OldeSoul Eldemar and Luna Lunaria. There's plenty in store as these 4 take the torch and ready the servers, marketing, merchants, entertainers, and more. I expect incredible things in the upcoming year. We hope you'll join us in this journey of art and creativity in the virtual space.
Join us in our discord server where you too can be a part of the happenings, as they happen! https://discord.gg/8RtXqpS7cT
