We are getting close to opening the #OSFest2022 grid for exhibitors, merchants, and sponsors! Parcel assignments for all sponsors and large exhibitors and merchants have been completed for those who made requests so they don't need to choose their parcels. The rest of you can now choose where you want to be on the grid using the webpage at https://signupschedule.com/osfest. You only need to enter your avatar name (email is optional as that is shown on the page if you enter it).
Reference the diagram parcel numbers when you choose your spot!

Exhibitors choose your parcels in the Alchemist Estate (Oxygen and Fluorine regions) or in the Marches Estate (Chlorine and Quantium regions for large builds).
Merchants choose your parcels in the Guild Estate (Sulfur region) or in the Marches Estate (Chlorine and Quantium regions for large builds).
Sponsor parcels are assigned and we will be in touch directly with your parcel numbers.
Not registered yet to exhibit or be a merchant? There is still room! You can register and get a ticket here courtesy of our sponsors https://www.opensimfest.com/register
We still have sponsor parcels available. Check out the details on the bottom section of the Call for Sponsors page at https://www.opensimfest.com/callforsponsors
Do you have an hour to spare in July to volunteer? Join our discord server at https://discord.gg/8RtXqpS7cT then signup on the schedule where you can at https://www.opensimfest.com/volunteer
However you choose to participate, come experience the chemistry of community! July 8-24, 2022 Want to help get the word out? Use #OSFest2022 in your social media shares!
More details to come... most announcements and communications between everyone are happening first in the Discord server. So that's the place to be - join us!