How did we do at OSFest 2022? We had a record 800 unique avatars over a span of two weeks from 158 different grids! We hope this year's fun will be bigger and better! I've got a lot of exciting information to share with you so grab a cup of your favorite beverage and start thinking about how you can participate while reading...

The dates have been set and the OSFest website is once again live with more information than we had available last year! Thanks to everyone who made suggestions - I've incorporated most of the suggestions for a new page and updated the old pages.
Changes for OSFest 2023
We've also made some changes for OSFest 2023 based on feedback, and how things went last year on the grid from a technical perspective, to improve traffic to exhibits and stores with a new schedule of events:
We are making room in the landing regions for freebies and swag that were previously available in the VIP region.
We are making room for 160 tables in the event regions where you can direct event traffic to your parcels (for all exhibitors, merchants, and sponsors). This is similar to attending an event in the offline world where you see tables and booths for business and organizations advertising events, distributing swag, selling promotional items, etc. surrounding or near stage areas.
We've added four scheduled tours and we've reduced the number of performances from 12 hours each weekend day spreading performances out across each week. We know participants may want to add special events in their parcels. This new schedule helps accommodate those needs. Many performer slots have been booked but we still have of plenty of standby slots open as well. More on the event calendar and schedule soon!
For those who've been chomping at the bit wanting to get started, good news! People can reserve a small or large parcel starting July 8. As the grid admin work is completed, the OSFest OpenSimWorld page will be updated, and the grid open to build date will be posted.
Meanwhile, Exhibitors and Merchants, please check the details on the Home page and the Register page. The new Participants page of the website will be updated with images of your complete builds by September 1, 2023.

Based on parcel usage and suggestions last year, we've set-aside the following parcels and prim budgets for #OSFest2023:
Small Exhibit (56 available in Oxygen, Fluorine, and Quantium Regions)
96m x 96m 600 Prim Budget
Large Exhibit (12 available in Quantium Region)
224m x 224m 1200 Prim Budget
Small Store (28 available in Sulfur and Chlorine Regions)
96m x 96m 600 Prim Budget
Large Store (12 available in Chlorine Region)
224m x 224m 1200 Prim Budget
Call for Sponsors
Anyone interested in sponsoring the free parcels and events at OSFest, all of the details are available on the Sponsors page. There will be a dedicated Unobtanium region for all sponsor parcels to share in addition to full regions. There are different sponsor levels starting at $3 for a small 64m x 32m sponsor parcel so, be sure to take a look at the benefits for each level. Thanks to our returning sponsors who have been in touch already!
Thanks to our generous sponsors last year, we raised enough sponsor funding to cover costs and share a bit with performers. We also reserved Gloebit venue tips for this year. Returning sponsors noted the exposure at OSFest 2022 was great! As before, any excess funds are distributed to Performers evenly based on hours performed so we start funding and the grid each year anew.
New for OSFest 2023
This year we also want to extend the celebration to other grids through co-promotion of their events happening during OSFest 2023 - we'll call those satellite events on our calendar. One grid has already coordinated with us so, if your grid wants to join the celebration, reach out to me after you've checked the current schedule on the Register page of the website! Thanks to Utopia Skye grid for the idea!
Whew! More details coming in the next blog post so be sure to follow us! Check out and if possible, join us on our growing Discord server! Never participated? The community is happy to help you get started. It's your OSFest, make it fun, make it bigger, make it better!