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  • Writer's pictureShelenn Ayres

OSFest 2023 Burn Party!

Time flew by so fast this year! It's the last day of events on Day 16 of #OSFest2023. We'll begin with some Tech Talk time in the VIP region meeting room A1 for more information about the NGC curated version of OpenSimulator we used this year. If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions for next year, please join us!

Next, we have some powerhouse performers to help us celebrate together in the Nitrogen region for this special event. Be sure to join us in the Nitrogen region with: DJ The Golbez, DJ Silvera and Sharann, DJ Tek Bachman, DJ Sasha Prismara Featherlight, Charice Singer, DJ Walter Balazic, and Singer Nazira. But wait, there's more! After the performances, we will have two hours of Burning Woman in the style of Burning Man but better, backed by some original techno from Sounds Turner.

We started this tradition at OSFest 2022 and it was great fun! We use this time to virtually "burn it all down" not to say goodbye, but to say hello again next year with a clean slate. You can put in your world map, use the landmark, use the Hypergate in the event regions, or use the teleport system boards to get to the party!

Exhibitors, Merchants, and Sponsors: We know you've all been working so hard and may not have had time to see everything. You don't need to clean up anything! You can save your builds, we can save them for you, or everything goes away when the grid is wiped as we shut it down on October 8, 2023. Yes, that means everyone has an extra week to see other exhibits and stores! Here is the final lineup:


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